

Do you know Stewie Griffin?!?! I think he is great!

He is the breakout character of the Family Guy show. He is Machiavellian and evil in whatever he does. This is probably due to the fact that his mother used to smoke marijuana while pregnant with him. Stewie is not a child like the others because he does things adults do and there are so many aspects to investigate about him - e.g. his intelligence, his ambiguous sexuality, the fact that he seems constantly carrying a firearm ... But that's not all... You can get more on youtube where you can watch some episodes. I chose two for you - the first one gives you an idea of the character and the second one is connected to actual topics... Enjoy them!!!

Annoying Stewie

Rocket man - Stewie and Elton John


Alida said...

Dear Alex,
I'm so happy that you chose these videos. I love the Family Guy and especially Stewie.
I used to watch them in English even if this makes me think about a time of my life I'm trying to forget...
Anyway I really appreciated your videos.
I'm looking forward to seeing you on Monday.
Have a nice weekend
yours Ali

alex said...

Thank you Ali!The best thing about youtube is that it is like watching tv at home... So you might understand why I saw the episodes I missed...